Yalıtım Dergisi 91. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2011)

62 YALITIM • TEMMUZ - AĞUSTOS 2011 summary INSULATION / Construction and Insulation Industries Magazine ISSUE: 91 • JULY - AUGUST 2011 News & IntervIew IntervIew ArtIcle ArtIcle IntervIew TechnIque Standart purchased a plant in Europe General Manager of Baumit, Murat Savcı: “Our plants will increase in number!..” Fire Security Precautions for Historical Structures Building Surrounding Systems Vice General Manager of Kalekim Altuğ Akbaş: “We create solution for the heat insulation industry” Shopping Malls and Fire Insulation Civil Engineer Faruk Bilal / Himerpa A.Ş. Technical Adviser Standart İzolasyon A.Ş. brought in an important investment by purchasing a modern production plant of an Australian synthetic membranes producer. Thus, while breaking a new ground in synthetic membranes market, Standart İzolasyon started the production of synthetic membranes such as PVC, TPO, HDPE, LDPE and ECB with its new investment. Page 16 General Manager of Baumit Murat Savcı who claims that they have set a goal of 70 % growth for 2011, says that they plan to establish production plants in Anatolia in forthcoming period. Page 32 Historical Structures are not standard structures and the rules fort he standard structures can not be applied for them. Precautions to be taken have to be fit for the structure’s historical features and its intended use. They must not cause neither a change in the structure nor a damage, or a loading for he carrier system and the extinction equipment used must not damage the artifacts inside… Page 36 In this study, with the aim of helping designers, building surrounding systems that are highly important in terms of architecture within the building system are presented, the factors that affect surrounding performance and the function that have to correspond these factors are determined, and structural sub-systems which will undertake the functions are explained by analysing… Page 56 Kalekim, which entered heat insulation industry with Mavi Kale in 2004, lastly added rockwool to its product range by cooperating with Rockwool in 2010. Vice General Manager of Kalekim Altuğ Akbaş reported many topics from Rockwool partnership to Turkey’s heat insulation industry for Yalıtım. Page 18 Fire evacuation plans in high-rise buildings are placed at entry points and a place where fire fighters can easily find. In that plans, fire escape routes, emergency stairways, fire cabinets, plumes, fire pumps and the generator are marked. Page 26