Yalıtım Dergisi 46. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2004)

çevı rı cimce % 5'den daha fazla su emmemeve 500 - 700 donma-çözünmedöngüsüdür. Bu test aynı zamanda su buharının geçişini zorlamak için ısı ve konsantrasyon farkı yaratılarak, su emme miktarının incelendiği laboratuvar test sonuçlarıyla desteklenerek incelenmelidir. TEŞEKKÜR Yazıdaki uzman/cır bu bilgilerin derlenmesinden sorumlu olmakla beraber, bu veriler Horgen, Switzerland, Samia, Canada ve Midland, Michigan gibi Dow lokasyonlarındaki birçok kişinin çabası ve işbirliği vasıtasıyla meydana getirilmiştir. KAYNAKLAR [l] Williams,Llewelyn."Regionalization of Freeze-Thaw Activitiy", U.S. Army Natick Labrotories, Annals of Association of AmericanCeographics , Vol.54,No.4 Dec.1964. [2] Russell, R.J.Transactions , American Ceographical Union, 1943, p.125 [3] Alpert, L., "Adhesion Type Ceramic Veneer," Structural Clay Products lnstitute, Technical Notes on Brick and Tile Construction, Vol.4,May 1953 [4] Kaplar, Chester W., "Moisture and Freeze-Thaw Effects on Rigid Thermal Insulations," U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, N.H.,Technical Report 249, April 1974. [5] Schaefer, David,"Water Absorption of lnsulation in Protected Membrane RoofingSystems," U.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, N.H., CRRELTechnical Note, Jan.1974. [6] Thorsen, Sven-Hakan,"Determination of the Expansion Coefficient,Water Absorption,Moisture Diffusivity,As Well As Thermal Conductivityat Different Moisture Contents for Polystrene and Urethane Cellular Plastics," Institute for Building Technology, Chalmers Technical University,Coteborg, Sweden, Aug.1973. 8 6 YAUTIM • SUBAT2004 [7) Paljak, !var, National Swedish Instıtute for Material Testing. Materiauxet Costructions, Vol.6 No.31,1973,p.53. [8] Levy,M.M.,Journal of CellularPlastics,Jan.1966,p.37. [9] Mittasch,H., Plaste und Kautschuk, Vol.16,No.4, 1969,p.268. [10] Achtziger,J.,Kunststoffe im Bau, Vol.23, 1971,p.3. [11] Hedlin, C.P., "MoistureAttack on Insulatioh in Protected Membrane Roofing," Division of Building Research, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa,Ont.,Research Paper No.634,1974. [12] Hedlin, C.P. in RoofingSystems, ASTMSTP 603, AmericanSociety for Testing and Materials, 1976, pp.36-50. [13] Aamot,H.W.C.and Schaefer, D., " Protected Membrane Roofs in Cold Regions," Corps of Engineers, U.S.Army,Hanover,N.H.,March 1976. [14] Baker, M.C.and Hedlin, C.P., "Protected Membrane Roofs," Canadian Building Digest No.150, Divisionof Building Research National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., June 1972. [15] "Performance of Membrane Roofing Systems," Divisionof Building Research Seminar Workshop, NationalResearchCouncilof Canada,Ottawa,Ont., 1975. [16] Jespersen,H.8., " The Effect of Moisture on Insulating MaterialsMade of Plastic Foam, lmpregnated MineralWool Vermiculiteand Concrete Cylinders," Denmark TechnologicalInstitute,1960. [17] Kaplar, C.W."Studies of Moisture Effects on Thermal Conductivityof Rigid Insulations," U.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, N.H.CRRELInternal Report No.207.1969. El