Yalıtım Dergisi 100. Sayı (Temmuz 2012)

86 YALITIM • TEMMUZ 2012 summary INSULATION / Construction and Insulation Industries Magazine )335% m *5,9 100TH ISSUE 9alıtım WHiCH started BrOadCasting liFe in tHe sUmmer OF as tHe first magazine in tHe insUlatiOn seCtOr reaCHed tHe tH issUe. 9alıtım WHiCH is easier said tHan leaving BeHind years a PeriOd OF laCking many COmPanies and OrganizatiOns like tOday demanding COnditiOns COmes tO tHese days. 7itnessed tHe estaBlisHment OF many firms many terminatiOn OF tHe COmmerCial liFe many BirtH many died. 4Oday tHe greatest Witness tO tHe emergenCe OF a strOng eFFeCtive insUlatiOn seCtOr. 7rOte in a sense tHe HistOry OF tHe seCtOr. (ere is tHe WHat HaPPened insUlatiOn seCtOr in tHe Past years... Page 18 From 1 to 99… İ:/D%2 WHiCH is tHe COntinUes COntriBUtiOn OF tHe seCtOr By tHe Carried OUt intensive CamPaigns and PrOJeCts On tHe OtHer Hand Has COmPleted COrPOrate restrUCtUring PrOCess in reCent mOntHs. 7e reCeived all relevant inFOrmatiOn OF COrPOrate restrUCtUring PrOCess in Order tO PrOvide Better serviCe tO tHe indUstry and OtHer PrOJeCts FrOm %rtUğrUl Ìen "Oard #Hairman OF İ:/D%2. Page 12 INTERVIEW İZODER Restructured WHAT DID THEY SAY? 9alıtım magazine WHiCH is leaving BeHind tHe issUe gained many Friends many stakeHOlders in last years. 7e Have asked seCtOr rePresentatives as an OUr Friends COmments aBOUt tHe 9alıtım magazine. 7e Understand tHat COmments indUstry aWare OF 9alıtım is PrinCiPled indePendent emanCiPated and a leading media Organ... (OW HaPPy FOr UsÒ.. Page 46 Sector Says “Independent, Principled and Leading” for “Yalıtım”! .. INTERVIEW f7e are trying tO make an imPartial and indePendent PUBlisHing aCCOrding tO tHe Criteria OF Universal PUBlisHing PrinCiPle as a " " Medya. 9alıtım magazine WrOte tHe HistOry OF tHe insUlatiOn seCtOr and Write dOWn tO a Permanent HistOry OF tHe indUstry. f)F We are @POstUre as a PUBlisHer it isn t FOr tHe egO it is FOr tHe save indUstry s Free COmmUniCatiOn envirOnment in Order tO avOid PreJUdiCe tO tHe imPartiality OF tHe magazinep said #eyHan sUmmed UP tHe HistOriCal Carriage in all HOnesty. Page 64 Concessionaire and Managing Editor of Yalıtım, Ismail Ceyhan: “We are trying to make principled and independent publishing”